Friday, April 1, 2016

Pengertian Use Case, Komponen Use Case dan Contoh Penggunaan Use Case

1.      Pengertian Use Case Yaitu Memodulkan Interaksi antara User dengan Sistem. dengan tujuan yaitu :
·         Memrepresentasikan interaksi pengguna terhadap sistem
·         Digunakan untuk memetakan kebutuhan sistem
·         Digunakan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan di luar sistem

2.      Komponen untuk membuat Use Case yaitu adanya :

·         Adanya Aktor
Yaitu orang yang sangat berkepentingan untuk sistem sepert informasi yang akan di inputkan  user, orang yang mengeola sistem dan external resource yang di gunakan oleh sistem.  Aktor juga hanya dapat berinteraksi dengan use case tetapi tidak memiliki kontrol penuh atas use case.

·         Aktivitas
Adanya aktivitas antara aktor dengan pengelelola sistem, misalnya apa yang akan di lakukan oleh aktor untuk sistem?.

·         Asosiasi
Kegiatan antara aktor dengan sistem yang akan di laluinya misal aktor dapat melihatdaftar menu.

·         Sistem
Dari semua komponen diatas, ini adalah komponen terakhir yang harus terpennuhi yaitu sistem, pembuatan interface dari sebuah aplikasi yang akan di buat.

3. Contoh Penggunaan Use Case 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Tips To Lose Weight With Efficient

Tips To Lose Weight With Efficient - How can I burn the most fat quickly and easily? Many people who could not wait to get the ideal body weight. There are successful in a few weeks, while others may take several months.

The more fat that accumulates, the more time it takes to reach the target to be achieved. Because no single method of weight loss that instant, all require a process. An important point is that you need to keep a consistent run any program that has been created.

Tips To Lose Weight With Efficient

Cardio exercises like running or jogging, cycling, brisk walking and swimming is the best exercise to burn fat. But not everyone has the time to do the cardio exercises. Well if you are someone who has a myriad of activities, it can try to exercise 9 minutes every day but can burn maximum fat. Here's a guide:

Jumping Squat 15 seconds

Way to do:
        Position squat until thighs parallel to the floor
        Perform a jump in as high as possible
        Return to starting position, then jump again

Step Up 15 seconds

Way to do:
        Stand with the body upright and both hands placed on the waist
        The right leg was on the bench and left foot remains on the floor as in the picture
        Raise your left leg up and then lower back bench
        Repeat this movement as many times as desired and then replace it with the right foot to perform this movement

Superman 15 seconds
Superman is a good exercise to strengthen your lower back. All you need in this exercise only your weight, no other equipment is needed.

Way to do:
        The prone position on the floor with arms and legs straight like in the picture
        Then lift the arms and legs so similar to fly motion
        Lower back and repeat this movement

Plank Punch 15 seconds

Way to do:
        Take a push up position
        The burden of the body rests on the hands
        Raise your right hand straight ahead with hands clenched position
        Lower right hand back to its original position
        Repeat for the left hand

Squat Thrust 15 seconds

Way to do:
        From a standing position, lower your body such as when performing the squat movement with both hands straight down almost stuck to the floor
        Both legs jump back up to push up position as in the picture
        From the push-up position, jump feet forward so that the return to the starting position and repeat the above
        Rest 60-90 seconds.

Repeat the above five exercises 3 times with 60 seconds rest in between circuits up to a 9-minute finish.

In addition to regular exercise, you also have to keep run the diet and healthy lifestyle. Among others are:
Expand the consumption of mineral water, at least eight glasses every day.
Consumption of green tea, with regular consumption of green tea may help boost the body's metabolism so as to accelerate the process of burning calories.
        Consumption of nuts.
        Avoid alcohol.
        healthy breakfast such as high-fiber cereal with low-fat milk and fruit.

        Get plenty of rest, a good sleep is 7-8 hours / day. It is intended for muscle recovery after exercise, launched metabolism and rejuvenate the body.