Saturday, December 5, 2015

15 Tomato Juice Benefits for Health - Beauty - Diet

15 Tomato Juice Benefits for Health - Beauty - Diet - Tomatoes are one type of fruit or vegetable that is most often consumed by people. Either as ingredients in food or processed in a particular berntuk, one of the processed tomato is the most popular tomato juice.

15 Tomato Juice Benefits for Health - Beauty - Diet
15 Tomato Juice Benefits for Health - Beauty - Diet

How to make tomato juice?

You want to make their own tomato juice? Of course it could be done at home. It's easy really, here are the steps to process tomato juice:

1.       Take 2-3 tomatoes
2.       Cut the tomatoes into small pieces
3.       Enter the chunks of tomatoes in a blender, then enter the sugar, water and ice cubes
4.       Blend until smooth
5.       Pour into a glass and drink while still cold

15 Tomato Juice Benefits for Health - Beauty - Diet
15 Tomato Juice Benefits for Health - Beauty - Diet

How? Not easily make their own tomato juice? You can practice at home every day.

For those who frequently consume tomato juice, tablets there are many health benefits. What are the benefits of this tomato juice? Here are some of them:

1.        Replace lost body fluids

Tomato fruit itself already has a high water content. When processed into juice form, the water content contained in this beverage is good for replacing fluids lost after the move all day. In addition, it also can prevent dehydration, which can lead to:

        The body feels weak
        Lack of concentration and focus
        Often sleepy

2.        Refreshing body

The mix of sweet, sour and too icy used to process tomato juice will greatly assist the body in reaching the point of freshness back. This is certainly very useful, especially when you are experiencing fatigue and tired after a long hard day.

3.        provide energy for the body

Tomatoes calories and potassium. If the added sugar in the manufacture of tomato juice, then this will provide significant energy for your body. This is so you do not need much to eat to get energy again, and is also very suitable to drink in the morning.

4.        Keep your immune system

Vitamins contained in tomato juice benefits have excellent usability to keep the immune system and prevent the body from various diseases. Especially some mild disease that attacks the body's immunity, such as colds and coughs.

5.        Treating canker sores and inflammation

You who experience canker sores or inflammation in your body organs, of course, can treat and relieve the pain caused by the inflammation by using tomato juice. Tomatoes contain a anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory natural and good for treating inflammation.

6.        Good for the diet program

The content of fiber and also calories high enough on the benefits of tomato juice to the diet can be consumed on a regular basis. Asupana tomato juice can reduce the weight of your food, because tomato juice alone will give effect mengenyagkan.

7.        can reduce cholesterol

Tomato fruit contains a natural niacin can help lower bad cholesterol levels in the body. So, tomato juice is one of the very good drinks to be consumed by you who have cholesterol disease.
Top 1 herbs for high cholesterol

8.        As an antioxidant

Tomato juice for health benefits may also act as a natural antioxidant. The antioxidant serves to counteract free radicals that will enter the body, which can cause various health problems and can also lead to premature aging and damage to your skin.

Top 1 source of antioxidants :

9.        Good for your heart health

Want to have a healthy heart and be able to work optimally? Then the tomato juice is the right answer for you consume on a regular basis. Tomato juice can help optimize the work of the heart and also can maintain the health of your heart.

Top Herbs To Heart

10.    Good for healthy eyes

Tomatoes also contain vitamin A which is quite high. This course is excellent for maintaining the health of your eyes and can prevent disturbance to your sense of sight.

11.    Good for skin health

Benefits of tomato juice for beauty also contain vitamin E, which is very good for the health of your skin. Tomato juice can make your skin healthier, smoother, and also looks bright without having to use skin lightening cream.

12.    Good for your bone health

You want to have strong bones and healthy too? Try to frequently consume tomato juice. Calcium and vitamin K contained in tomato juice will be a very effective way to protect your bone health. Especially in preventing the emergence of health problems in bone, such as calcification and bone loss.

13.    Anti-cancer

The content of antioxidants and also various vitamins dI in tomato juice, able to deter and also slow the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, you can regularly consume tomato juice to be able to prevent yourself from the dangers of cancer.

Top To Cancer

14.    Lowers blood pressure

For those of you who have hypertension, high blood pressure alias, tomato juice has excellent benefits for lowering blood pressure and also set to remain at a normal pressure. This will help you in reducing a variety of symptoms of hypertension and also minimize the appearance of complications due to hypertension, such as:

        Out of breath
        The body felt weak and easily tired

15.    Good for digestive health

Tomato juice have the high fiber content. Fibers have excellent benefits for digestive health. Fiber can facilitate your digestion, and also can prevent digestive disorders, such as hemorrhoids and also ulit defecation.

Tomato juice can be obtained by blending tomatoes with added water and ice cubes, so the tomatoes daoat become one of the refreshing drink. Besides being able to make yourself at home, you also can buy tomato juice which is readily available that you can buy in the shops nearby.

That's some of the benefits of tomato juice. Lots not benefit from tomato juice? Hopefully this article on the benefits of tomato juice is useful for you as well.

1 comment:

  1. bermanfaat sekali, baru tahu kalo tomat ternyata banyak manfaatnya.
