Wednesday, November 25, 2015

How To Build Simple Game With HTML 5

Good night my friend everything !! This time I will share an example of simple games that are created using HTML script that is a game of snakes, there may be a pal who need to study or reference, just download the example simple game using HTML script, Open Notepad ++ you then create a new file with the name snake_html5_game then write the following script:

view plainprint?
<!DOCTYPE html>  
view plainprint?
    <!-- HTML5 canvas --> 
    <canvas id="canvas" width="450" height="450"></canvas>        
Explanation :
We create a canvas for the location of our game later with a size of 450 x 450
Now to add the java script java script in script above, put in between the <head> </ head> so that your script now be like this:
view plainprint?
<!DOCTYPE html>  
        <!-- Jquery --> 
        <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> 
        <script type="text/javascript" > 
            $(document).ready(function() { 
                var canvas = $("#canvas")[0]; 
                var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); 
                var w = $("#canvas").width(); 
                var h = $("#canvas").height(); 
                var cw = 10; 
                var d; 
                var food; 
                var score; 
                var snake_array; // make cell array to make the snake
                function init() 
                    d = "right"; //default direction 
                    create_food(); // making food for snakes
                    //score game 
                    score = 0; 
                    if (typeof game_loop != "undefined") 
                    game_loop = setInterval(paint, 60); 
                function create_snake() 
                    var length = 5; 
                    snake_array = [];  
                    for (var i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
                        // make snake horizontally from the left
                        snake_array.push({x: i, y: 0}); 
                //make food
                function create_food() 
                    food = { 
                        x: Math.round(Math.random() * (w - cw) / cw), 
                        y: Math.round(Math.random() * (h - cw) / cw), 
                // Body colored snake
                function paint() 
                    ctx.fillStyle = "white"; 
                    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); 
                    ctx.strokeStyle = "black"; 
                    ctx.strokeRect(0, 0, w, h); 
                    // Create a movement for snakes.
                    var nx = snake_array[0].x; 
                    var ny = snake_array[0].y; 
                    if (d == "right") 
                    else if (d == "left") 
                    else if (d == "up") 
                    else if (d == "down") 
                    // Check guesses wall
                    if (nx == -1 || nx == w / cw || ny == -1 || ny == h / cw || check_collision(nx, ny, snake_array)) 
                        //restart game 
                    //Check collision with food
                    if (nx == food.x && ny == food.y) 
                        var tail = {x: nx, y: ny}; 
                        //membuat makanan baru 
                        var tail = snake_array.pop();  
                        tail.x = nx; 
                        tail.y = ny; 
                    for (var i = 0; i < snake_array.length; i++) 
                        var c = snake_array[i]; 
                        paint_cell(c.x, c.y); 
                    // food coloring
                    paint_cell(food.x, food.y); 
                    // Coloring score game
                    var score_text = "Score: " + score; 
                    ctx.fillText(score_text, 5, h - 5); 
                function paint_cell(x, y) 
                    ctx.fillStyle = "blue"; 
                    ctx.fillRect(x * cw, y * cw, cw, cw); 
                    ctx.strokeStyle = "white"; 
                    ctx.strokeRect(x * cw, y * cw, cw, cw); 
                function check_collision(x, y, array) 
                    for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) 
                        if (array[i].x == x && array[i].y == y) 
                            return true; 
                    return false; 
                // Keyboard control snake
                $(document).keydown(function(e) { 
                    var key = e.which; 
                    if (key == "37" && d != "right") 
                        d = "left"; 
                    else if (key == "38" && d != "down") 
                        d = "up"; 
                    else if (key == "39" && d != "left") 
                        d = "right"; 
                    else if (key == "40" && d != "up") 
                        d = "down"; 
        <!-- HTML5 --> 
        <canvas id="canvas" width="450" height="450"></canvas>        
Now save your file with the extension .html example: snake html5 game.html.

Now that you've finished HTML5 game you can try it by clicking 2x on the file, it is advisable to open the Chrome browser or Mozilla, do not use IE hehheeh KLW in IE is not the way I had not surprised.


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