Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Trick Cheat For GTA V PC

The players game Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) must know that the game is one of the most brutal games ever. GTA V players are given the freedom to do anything in Los Santos (the city where the setting GTA V), ranging from stealing, robbing, shooting at police, beat up pedestrians, until the fraudulent activities such as planting mines on roads and set fire to cars passing by.
GTA V does have a mechanism to prevent players crimes excessive. They bring the level of vigilance police if it has reached 5, or maximum value, you will be confronted not only by the traffic police, but also the SWAT team.
Facing them is quite troublesome and most likely you will not escape death, but that's because you act as an ordinary human being in GTA V.
What if you are superhuman who have magic abilities, like not going to die even though fired bullets?
That's what cheat codes in GTA V. If you want to feel the thrill of playing more wild than usual in GTA V, you can use the following cheat codes:

Cheat Code                                                                        Effect
LIQUOR                                                Creating a character being drunk Presenting
HOTHANDS                                         Explosion when it hit an object
CATCH ME                                          Allows you to run fast  Changing                                              
INCENDIARY                                      bullets fire
PAINKILLER                                       not be dead in 5 minutes
LAWYERUP                                         Decrease wanted level
TURTLE                                                Delivers maximum armor and health
FUGITIVE                                             Increase wanted level Refilling
POWERUP                                            character special abilities
SKYFALL                                             Move the character to space
DEADEYE                                            Using slow motion when shooting Presenting
 SKYDIVE                                            parachute
MAKEITRAIN                                     Changing weather
FLOATER                                             Changing gravity
SNOWDAY                                          Making roads become slippery
SLOWMO                                            Using slow motion mode
BANDIT                                                Calling  BMX bike
BUZZOFF                                             Calling  attack helicopters
COMET                                                  Calling Comet sports car
VINEWOOD                                        Calling limousine
ROCKET                                                Calling  motorcycle PCJ-600
RAPIDGT                                               Calling  Rapid GT sports car
OFFROAD                                              Calling  offroad motorcycle
 BARNSTROM                                       Calling  acrobatic aircraft
TRASHED                                              Calling  garbage truck

To activate the cheat codes in GTA V PC version, you can press the "~" which is above the Tab key on the keyboard. After that, simply input the cheat code and press Enter.


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