Saturday, December 5, 2015

Tips to Reduce High Cholesterol Naturally

Tips to Reduce High Cholesterol Naturally - If you suffer from high cholesterol should soon be overcome by lowering cholesterol naturally. Although there are drugs that can lower cholesterol, but many people do not recommend it because it is less effective and practically useless. The best way you can do to cope with high cholesterol that is by changing the diet because the intake of various foods greatly affect cholesterol levels in the body. Besides exercise is also a way to lower high cholesterol are quite effective, so many doctors recommend this method. 

Before discussing further a good idea to first understand what cholesterol was. Cholesterol is a fat contained in the body cells and the blood produced by the liver us. Many people think that cholesterol is not good for health, when in fact cholesterol has an important role in the formation of cell walls and hormones prmbentukan. You should know that having two types of cholesterol, HDL and LDL.
LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) is the bad cholesterol that can lead to the deposition in the arteries, this is the one that lead to heart disease and stroke. While HDL (High Density Lipopreotein) is a good type of cholesterol that does not result in a deposition in the arteries and prevents the presence of plaque on the walls of our blood vessels.

Cholesterol in our bodies can be derived from the food we eat and also liver. Even 80% of the cholesterol in our bodies are produced by the liver so it does not need extra cholesterol from the outside of the body. Some foods that contain high cholesterol among others the meat, milk, and eggs. Although all of these foods also have benefits for our health, but it helps limit in taking, especially the yolk because these foods contain high levels of cholesterol.

How to lower cholesterol naturally highly recommended by many parties including doctors though. Adjusting diet and regular exercise is the best way you can do. If you suffer from high cholesterol, here are some tips and ways to lower cholesterol proved effective.

1.        Exercise regularly

Sports became one of the things that are important for lowering cholesterol levels, do not have to do strenuous exercise or join a gym. You can do cardio exercise such as jogging, running in place and others. In addition to lowering cholesterol levels must also be able to nourish the heart and lose weight.

2.       Reduce the consumption of gluten

Gluten is contained in the content of starch such as flour. Avoid foods made dati flour or wheat because these foods high in gluten. Wheat is also not always healthy and good for health.

3.        Changing a healthy diet

Variety of food is very important for lowering your cholesterol levels. Eat foods plant foods such as vegetables, fruits and grains. Reduce consumption of foods containing saturated fats such as daing, milk, butter, cheese, bersantan foods, and oily foods.

4.        Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables

Expand the consumption of fruits and vegetables, to better you can consume fruits and vegetables that contain phytosterol. Because fruit contains phytosterol also has fiber, where the fiber is able to accelerate the absorption of cholesterol in our intestines. You can find the content of phytosterols in grapes, apples, peanuts, soybeans, bananas, melons, vegetables, beans, broccoli, cauliflower.

5.        Consumption of cholesterol-lowering foods

Cholesterol in our body is strongly influenced by the food we eat. Fortunately there are many foods that can lower high cholesterol. Some of the food that is like cabbage juice, oatmeal, star fruit, dragon fruit, melon, avocado, cabbage, green beans, broccoli, soy, fish with omega 3, tea, and many more.
Reduce or avoid some of the following foods:

        Frieds  foods, butter, fast food
        Yellow eggs, quail eggs, cow brains, beef fat, lard cows and goats
        High-fat milk, cheese, and Susis
        Shrimp, crabs, snails, eels, mussels, squid

That tips and how to lower high cholesterol naturally you can do from now on. After applying some of the methods above, you can perform a blood test in the laboratory and in the hospital in order to determine the levels of cholesterol in the body. Similarly, a review of health on this occasion, good luck and wish you speedy recovery.


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